.: L|stEn t0 mY rYTheM :.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

so here i am..

and umm yeah..
38.8c? lol.. wow i've practically beaten my own record of 38.5c..

hmm..3 days mc? lol..another record broken..

so todays the second day of my mc..and im feelin abit okay today..
my temprature has dropped but its still above 37.7c..
i dont think i'll be able to turn up tomoro 4 band..

wow.. another record broken! haish..sarcasm..when will it ever stop..
im a master at it..

doctors are givin me medicine like candy!! and they expect me to finish those pills in 5 days..

wow.. health systems nowadays..
well..atleast they get the job done..its fie with me.
so currently im restin here and trying to not think to much..
too mch thinkin causes headaches and migraines..

so..i'll just sign of here then..

until next time..

awoosh out!